There is no shortcut to success in the internet marketing.

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Why Most Online Entrepreneurs Fail ⏳

Let’s mention 2 “why” reasons:

  1. Many people join Scams and Hype programs full of empty promises (often because of so called FOMO effect). Smart “gurus” sell “dreams”, very rarely good training or systems.
  2. Many people think that “Done-for-You” programs mean there a lot of short cuts and do not take serious training.
  3. Many people like “100% FREE PROFIT” programs and do not want to invest in themselves.

The upside of being a entrepreneur is wonderful (control, independence and freedom) (tips and ideas by Deborah White).

The downside? Time. More specifically, the lack of it.

One big enemy, therefore, is the constant fire hose of information (e.g., Internet marketing, SEO, social media, “tips,” news, etc.). Link bait plays off your “Fear of Missing Out” (“FOMO”), wasting hours of precious time. Worse, following bad information (well-meaning or a scam) can set you back by months.

Even if you could follow it all, you should not be juggling so much time just to “keep up.” Instead, focus every hour on the actual building of your online business.

If you ignore it all, though, how can you keep up? Good question. You can relax…

We have your back. See this program – “Partner with Anthony” – 2019

Our “FOMO team” tracks all those balls for you, sorting “signal” from “noise.” We auto-update our program and you with that rare useful piece of new info that you actually need. You keep your eye on the ball of business, the one that means the world to you and your future. 🌏

How else does the lack of time doom your efforts? Here’s a big one…

Shortcuts! They Do Not Save Time:

Lack of time leads most entrepreneur into taking shortcuts. Site building/web hosting services know this, which is why they start you off with “pick your domain name.” What a disservice.

Here are 4 common reasons to fail that all start with shortcuts. All are 100% preventable simply by doing the right upfront research and prep…

  1. Bad Early Decisions: Make all the right calls (niche, content, site structure, visitor thumbnail, etc.) upfront, early in the business process! It makes everything that follows so much higher-yield. Heck, it’s usually the difference between success and failure.
  2. Failure to Stand Out: You may have noticed that successful blogs have something special. A special, intangible presence makes them stand out. Most sites never establish that. PWA– shows you how.
  3. No “Brand of One”: You must build “trust and like.” Write to connect. Interact creatively. With PWA, you’ll build an all-important “Brand of One” that prospective customers remember and like.
  4. Failure to Monetize: Making a realistic monetization plan is critical. Maximize your monetization potential and know ahead of time that it will more than meet your goals.

Those are just the basics. There are many smaller steps within each stage. They are all “doable.” Do them as if your business depends on it (it does!).

Let’s summarize. Early mistakes limit your potential income, even pre-doom your business. Follow a proven process. Avoid the business-damaging errors and maximize both your likelihood and level of business success.

Do this correctly, in order, no shortcuts. You will get on the path to becoming that rare breed of online marketer, one with an online business that…

  1. is valued by visitors who become enthusiastic customers
  2. generates growing, stable, multiple-stream income that’s under your control, and
  3. grows long-term value in the business itself (i.e., equity). If you only grow income, you have merely created a job for yourself. But building a business that can be sold for a multiple of income is serious deal.

Ask any online marketer what his/her most common problem is. The answer is going to be, “time.” We never have enough time to do everything necessary to build a profitable online business.

PWA is not so much a company as a collection of online marketer. We not only “get” the time pressure, we still live it every day — so much to do!

The only possible solution for the everyday online marketer was to design the only all-in-1 package of process, software, guidance, help and auto-updating that squeezes every last ounce of time-effectiveness into what becomes your increasingly profitable online business.

Building a successful online business depends upon following a process that’s been proven to work. That “theory” has become the best track record anywhere.

And the gap is growing. The more complex things become and the more new developments that arise, the more simplifying and optimizing value we pack into PWA (no change in price so far).

Your job? “Follow the PWA – Action Guide.” Simple as that.

We know it’s not easy to completely “get” PWA until you use it.

Most folks prefer the “it’s easy” claims of the GetRichQuick industry. Yes, now may be it’s ease to build a website.

Because it’s not “easy.” Building a business can never be “easy.” Everyone would be rich if that were true.

But PWA can make it doable by breaking it down into step by doable step. It’s perfect for those who…

  • are serious about growing a profitable online business
  • bring a positive attitude and determination to the table.

There are easier approaches that promise success. They don’t work, because most of them are “outdated”.

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Yuri Grin

Internet entrepreneur, consultant. Toronto, Canada

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