They Say Multiple Streams Of Income Is The Way To Riches.. Well Now You Can..
"Top Up Both Your PayPal & ClickBank Accounts Simultaneously & Earn A Massive 100% Commission Paid Instantly Into Your PayPal Account!"
eBay Profit Pack

..New Sophistically Coded eBay Niche Website Allows You To Brand And Cloak With Your Affiliate Links Within Minutes, And Ready For Uploading!

Perfect for..

tickAffiliate Narketer's


tickAnd Opportunists!

From The Desk Of
Internet Marketer

Dear Friend

Wouldn't it be nice if you could have your very own website proven and successful website created for you?

Wouldn't it be nice if all the grunt work was done, such as a web template, writing exciting content, ensuring all the links are in check, and just making the site ‘feel' right for the visitor?

Wouldn't it be nice if you could actually be rewarded for your hard work when you promote your site?

If the idea of having the work already done for you and editing 1 file to rebrand an entire site with your affiliate links within minutes appeals to you then you may want to read the rest of this page..

Why Have An eBay Affiliate Site?

Just so you know, I am not a believer in get-rich-quick schemes, especially after seeing so many of my friends try and fail.

What I do believe in is working smart for my money and more importantly, my effort. If there's a quicker and more efficient way of doing things I'll do it rather than slaving away with the old method.

One thing that I've learned when it comes to affiliate marketing online is to always have some form of ‘buffer' or pre-sell page before you send a visitor (which you've worked hard to get) off to a merchant site. That way you can at least grab their name and email before never making contact with them again.

So why have an affiliate site? Or more specifically, why have an article-based website dedicated to a specific subject?

Well there are a few reasons for this..

tick More pages indexed in the search engine results page. With a single page and single offer you have very little exposure on the web. With an article site your net is cast wider and the search engines will index several pages of your site rather than just the one.

tick Catering for the right kind of people! When you have a site dedicated to a specific niche, or a niche within a niche, you drill down on what people are already searching for and are aware of. These people know what they want and have a good idea of what information they're looking for. Hence it's easier to make a sale.

tick You're drilling down on a specific niche! This opens up opportunities to provide products and recommendations on very specific products highly relevant to the content that's on your website. No need to guess what the visitor wants or what they will buy. Chances are, if they're already on your website, they're a hot buyer!

tick Ability to get traffic from many sources! Because you're drilling down on specific niches with many pages just waiting to be indexed by the search engines you have the opportunity to target keywords and key-phrases, which inevitably can send a horde of buying traffic to your website!

tick Perfect for pre-selling! Because you're already in front of the buyer, you just need to direct them to the right product to make the commission!

tick Higher Google quality score! If you've ever done PPC before you know that AdWords is getting tougher to crack especially with their quality scoring system. Because you're advertising a page full of content relevant to your PPC campaign you'll be instantly rewarded with a higher quality score which can result in lower cost-per-clicks, higher positioning in the ad section and more profit margins for you!

With those reasons alone it makes sense to have an article based website focused around a specific niche and keyword targeted. This gives you a chance to get in front of the right traffic, (the ones who have their credit cards in their hand and some sort of investment in mind), and gently persuade them into the right direction which of course is your recommendation via your affiliate link.

So with that in mind allow me to introduce to you an all-in-one ready-made solution..

Your Affiliate Site Push-Button Solution!

tickProfessionally Designed Site! - These days, with so many people jumping on the 'online business' bandwagon it's becoming harder to grab your customer's attention. We've taken special care to make sure that you website makes visitors 'stick' and read what's on your site.

tickAutomatically Updated Date Script! - The date script gives the sense that your site is updated on a daily basis. This encourages your visitors to come back to your site to finish reading through your articles!

tickPacked With Quality Informative Niche-Specific Articles! - With so much spam and e-junk around the net it makes a refreshing change for your visitor to see something or quality! We've packed over 30 quality articles into your site to make sure you make a presence and provide REAL information that people are looking for!

tickCan Build Your Own Niche List! - The first menu above the articles is 'Join Our Newsletter'. You simply need to copy and paste your sign-up code in the signup.html page, upload and have your web-capture form instantly showing. It doesn't matter if you're using Aweber, GetResponse, ProSender, ConstantContact or any other service.. it will work either way.

tickSEO Optimized! - Your site includes all the important SEO elements that help rank it high in the SERPs (search engine results page) to ensure all your pages get indexed and generate the traffic you're wanting! Each <h1> tag, <title> tag, is unique to each page and every article is keyword-rich to ensure the search engines see your website!

tickBased On A Template System! - Because everything is based on a template system, the layout and formatting of each page is exact and precise to keep the search engines happy!

tickPromotes High-Converting Products! - Your promotional graphics are displayed on every page on your site for maximum exposure! We've placed eye-catching graphics to the right and footer of each article so your reader will definitely want to check it out!

What Makes This Site So Special?..

It's not a question of what makes it so ‘special' but a question of ‘what makes it worth my time and when will I start seeing a return on my investment?'

Truth is ANYONE can create and outsource a site like this, however it will eat up many precious hours in your day and many precious days in your week, and put a fairly big dent in your pocket if you hired a graphic designer and professional copy-writer to come up with the content and optimize it for the search engines!

But your time is too precious to go through all the technical details. You're a marketer and you want to get straight down to business so you can start promoting your website and recommendations and build your niche list because that IS where the REAL money is.

I've spent my fair share of ups and downs. It's now time for you to experience the ‘ups' and only the ‘ups'! Now you're going to take my knowledge and work and apply it with this carefully created turn-key solution!

Because you will only have to edit 1 file with your details, rebranding the entire site can be done in literally seconds allowing you to upload and promote! I'll go over this in more detail in a bit..

Explain The Payment System To Me!

Okay, you'll be monetizing this site through 2 offers.

One of which is eBay Auction Riches (see here), an advance training site aimed at the novice and more experienced eBayer. Prominently placed on the right side of every page of your site in a 120x600 pixel animated banner, you'll be ensuring maximum click-through rates. This product currently sells at a modest $27 and you'll earn 50% commission straight into your ClickBank account.

The other offer is Auctions 4 Newbies (see here) which is an affordably priced $7 video training site aimed at the absolute beginner and those who just need that extra guidance with eBay. Placed at the footer of every article, you'll be exposing your affiliate link at every opportunity! The affiliate program allows you to literally replace the ‘Buy Now' button with your PayPal email address which means any sales go directly into your PayPal account. No waiting, no messing around. This is perfect for fast emergency cash!

Please look at the picture below to illustrate how this works..

How You Will Make Money Online!

Both of these offers have low refund rates and offer exception value for the asking price which is why I've had so much success promoting them myself!

You may be asking, ‘why not add and promote more products to the mix?' The reason being that this has an adverse effect on sales because your visitors won't know which one to invest in and in most cases end up leaving the site altogether!

This site has been optimize to make good use of any traffic you bring it to, to build your list and send through an offer!

How Do I Get Traffic To My Site?

Don't think you're going to get a website and have no idea how to promote it! That would completely defy the purpose of having one!

Some marketers will have their own method of promoting this product and will not need another video course on traffic generation but if you're completely new to marketing a website or just need a little guidance we'll include Web Traffic Blueprints with this turn-key website. More on this in the bonus section!

Coded In PHP For Quick And Painless Setup!..

Have a look at the code below..

If you can replace those details which I've highlighted for you then you should get this baby uploaded to your server straight away! It's really that simple!

It only takes a simple edit of the config file to and an upload to instantly brand your website. Simply enter your custom site name, your custom site URL, your contact Email, your PayPal Email and your ClickBank ID, along with which template you want to use and you're all set!

Even if this coding looks like jargon to you, don't worry, you'll be supplied with a step-by-step install manual so you won't miss out!

..And because everything is dynamically updated you can simply enter a number between 1-9 in the template section, re-upload your config file and have a completely different looking website in seconds!

Check out all the site templates below..
(you'll also get the PSD files so you can edit the name to match your domain!)

But Wait!.. That's Not All!..

Order Today And We'll Even Add These Valuable Complimentary Bonuses To Your Basket Collectively Worth $3538 For FREE!..


Fast Action Bonus #1!

Web Traffic Blueprints! 12-Part Video Course On Traffic Generation Techniques! Worth $47!

Unlike most ready-made ‘turn-key' solutions out there, you will be with armed with Web Traffic Blueprint. This 12-part video course will show you how to generate traffic from..

tick Listing Building tick Forums
tick Affiliate Traffic tick Groups
tick Social Networking tick Press Releases
tick Video Marketing tick Ezing Advertising
tick Article Marketing tick PPC Advertising
tick Link Exchanges tick Offline Advertising
tick Blogs    

Now that you'll have this knowledge at your fingertips you'll be well prepared to start targeting a specific niche and more importantly, bringing buyers to your website!


Fast Action Bonus #2!

650 Professional eBay Articles! Worth $2497!

eBay article pack

Yes you read that right! 650 quality written articles related to the subject of eBay! You can use this however you like. Use it to build more article pages within your website, add your link to the footer of the articles and submit them to the article directories, or even create mini-reports that send traffic back to your website or offer and give out freely to your mailing list!

There is a goldmine of content just sitting here waiting to be used!

See the entire list of contents below..

tickEach article is professionally written by English Native Speakers.

tickOn average, every article has about 250-500 words.

tickEvery article is formatted for easy editing.

tickAll articles come with private label rights. You may edit them anyway you want!

Article License

[YES] You get all articles with PRIVATE LABEL RIGHTS
[YES] You can use articles as web content
[YES] You can use articles as content for your ebook's
[YES] You can use articles as content for your autoresponder's
[YES] You can use articles as content for your report's
[YES] You can use articles as content for your off line publications
[YES] You can use translate all articles to any language you want
[YES] You can sell the articles
[YES] You can sell them with resale rights
[YES] You can sell them with master resale rights
[YES] You can sell them with private label rights
[YES] You can add them to your membership sites
[YES] You can sell them in auction sites
[YES] You can give them away
[YES] You can give them as a bonus
[YES] You can package them and sell the packages in any way you want
[YES] You can start a membership site and deliver articles to your members


Fast Action Bonus #3!

52 Plug 'n' Play Auto-Responders! Worth $497!

eBay article pack

Act now and you'll also be able to take care of your niche subscribers throughout the year! We've packed 52 pre-formatted emails together that promote 13 quality eBay products. You'll be able to send out 1 email every week and provide quality informative content and remind your readers of the previous offers on your website and of the lastest products in the ClickBank marketing place!

Here's a run down of the other products you'll be promoting and their commission structure..

Product / URL Sale Price / Upgrade Your Commission
($101.90 upsell)
($69.94* upsell)
$47.00 $30.55*
Build A Niche Store
$97.00 $48.50*
Drop Shipping Wholesalers
($167.00 upsell)
(83.50* upsell)
Auction Inspector
$39.95 $25.97*
JV Auction Profits
($97.00 upsell)
($48.50* upsell)
90 Day Powerseller
$97.00 $48.50*
Auction Yen
$47.00 $28.20*
Auction Acrobat
Sky High Auctions
$267.00 $100.00*
eBay Crusher
$77.00 $53.90*
Digital Media Solution
$27.00 $13.50*
Domain Auction Profit
$49.95 $24.98*

*less ClickBank fees

We could quite easily charge this for this niche newsletter pack as a stand-alone product, but for a limited time you'll get your copy absolutely FREE as a bonus to your website!


Fast Action Bonus #3!

*Master Resell Rights* To The Entire Site!
Worth $497!

Call us crazy but we really believe in over-delivering! If you thought the website or bonuses were good you'll be suprised to here that for very limited time we'll be offering Master Resell Rights to this entire system that you see in front of you! You get..

Your own sales page.. just like this!

Your own download page!..

Even your own affiliate program..

Master Resell Rights entitles you to download this entire site along with all the sales material, graphics, download page, and the license to re-sell it at ANY price you wish and you can keep 100% of the profits! - NO CATCH!

How long would it take you to create your own product from stratch? How long would it take you to create your own graphics? How much would it cost you to outsource all this work?

If you're on a tight budget and just starting, spending tremendous amounts and receiving little back can be demoralizing! Don't fall into that trap! Take advantage of all the hard work we've already put in for you so that you can learn from the information, apply it, and then use the product to make more money for yourself!

We've already stripped the price down to a bare minimum so that you can re-sell it at a higher price and be in the green zone after one sale! Originally we weren't going to include this license, but we want you to know that we're trying to give you a 'leg up' in this internet marketing world!

Choose to sell personal rights, basic re-sell rights, or even master re-sell rights. It's completely up to you! At value of $497, this right is yours completely free if you invest today!


Whilst you can buy 100s of ready-made websites designed to help you make a commission the sad fact is that they just WILL NOT perform like the one in front of you.

A lot of them are generic templates which were created to make a quick sale. However if you look at the pages above you will noticed how focused and well put together they are.

So order your affiliate website today in complete confidence! But just before you do, please rest assured that you are backed by a completely risk-free guarantee!..

Iron-Clad Guarantee!

Order Now To Secrure Your Copy!

Risk-Free Acceptance Form!
tick Yes! I understand that I will be getting access to my very own customizable eBay niche affiliate website which will top up my PayPal and ClickBank account!
tick Yes! I also understand that I will be getting access to the Web Traffic Blueprint videos, 650 private label articles and 52 set plug-n-play auto-responders worth $3538 at no extra cost!
tick Yes! I also understand that if I'm not happy with the website itself, the video training or still can't make even 1 commission sale I can simply ask for a refund even 60 days from now!

On that basis, count me in!

Join Our FREE Membership Program and get this package for Only $67 $0

P.S. Don't let this pass you by! The quality of this site and the training that comes with it is second-to-none. I'm kicking myself for letting it go at this price but I want to make this possible for you and well within your reach!

P.P.S. Don't forget I'm backing with this with a full 60 day money-back guarantee! If you're not generating any sign-ups or revenue from this simple yet effective system, simply Email me and I'll refund you without hassle! I've done my best to make this system as clear as possible. Now it's your turn to put it into action! - Home Business Experts. Copyright . All Rights Reserved.

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