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In her book, Feel Free to Prosper, Marilyn Jennett talks about how she built a very successful business and attracted loads of clients, just by creating the success mindset she needed. In Feel Free to Prosper, she gives an excellent explanation as to how and why affirmations work. She includes a great deal of detail. She also shares her method for bringing about positive results in as little as two weeks. I have done her Feel Free to Prosper programme, so I know it works.
My own ebook, The Power of Affirmations, contains topics such as:
What Are Affirmations?
Why Affirmations Don’t Work
Why Affirmations Work
How to Add Oomph to Your Affirmations.
Dealing with the Brown, Smelly Stuff
How to Get Fast Results
How to Get Lasting Results
and more. See below for details of where to purchase it.
Often, when we feel under financial pressure, we worry. We feel anxious about our finances, anxious about the future. And the universe matches that energy.
To put it another way, what we put out, we get back. When we put out positive energy, in the form of positive thoughts, feelings and emotions, we get back positive energy. And when we put out negativity, that's what we get back.
Many of us are familiar with the use of affirmations – positive statements – as a way of creating our new reality, i.e. bringing about different results. When we want to create a new reality – in terms of our jobs, our businesses, our home life, our health, or indeed any aspect of our lives – affirmations are one highly effective method we can use.
Another such method is creative visualization. For more about this, see Secrets of Manifestation below.
Say, for example, you want to build your business. You want to attract more customers. There are many methods you can use to market your business and reach the audience you want to reach. Affirmations can help you to create the mindset you want. And remember, once you create the mindset you want, you will attract the results you are looking for. Marilyn Jennett achieved spectacular results for her business without doing any marketing, advertising or networking.
The purpose of methods such as affirmations and visualization is to make us feel as if the change we want to bring about has already happened. Once we convince ourselves that the change has already happened, itis inevitable that it will, because the universe matches ourvibrations.
The reason affirmations work is that your mind is very powerful. The thoughts, feelings and emotions you carry create your experience. And the universe then matches your energy.
To give an example: many years ago, I was leading a workshop forwriters and one of the participants asked, “Is it difficult to find a publisher?”. I responded, “No”. Another particpant stated,“Yes”. Her experience had been different from mine. My expectation was that it would be easy for me to find a publisher, and it was.
However, I also had the belief that I could never make much money from writing, and that proved to be the case. Whatever thoughts reside in your consciousness, those thoughts, whether positive or negative, will bear fruit.
If you use positive affirmations, you will achieve positive results. However, you may also have negative thoughts residing in your unconsious mind, and those thoughts, feelings and emotions will also bear fruit. If you have had negative experiences in your life –perhaps during your childhood, when you are most open to both positive and negative influences – you will be carrying negative thoughts, feelings and emotions.
To give another example: If you have been told, from a young age, “don't trust banks”, or “don't trust women”, or “don't trust men” - guess what? You will attract to you untrustworthy men, women or financial institutions.
And the universe will always meet our expectations – both our conscious and unconscious expectations. The more we put out positive thoughts, feelings and emotions, the more the universe will meet our positive expectations. The universe always matches our energy.
Remember: Your mind is very powerful. You can choose your thoughts and you can change your thoughts. And when you change your thoughts, you change your life.
For more about practical ways to use affirmations, download my ebook, The Power of Affirmations.
For more about how to use creative visualization, download my FREE ebook, Secrets of Manifestation.
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About C Jennings

I am a writer, publisher and Transformational Growth Consultant. I have lots of audios and ebooks online which can help you reach your goals If you are struggling online or are not getting the results you want, get in touch. I will do everything I can to help you. Want a life filled with joy, freedom and financial abundance? Download my free ebook - details are below. I look forward to eharing from you!