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Published on 05-07-2016 07:05:07 PM by william warner
We got tired of the rest so we created the BEST!! phoenixpowerrising
Take a look at these features and you'll understand why everyone is so excited about PPR.
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As an Associate of PPR you can place both text and banner ads for any program on a rotating basis. Earn credits from sponsoring and cycling to keep your ads running forever. Not to mention the best discount coupon package available.
Becoming a PPR Associate is easy
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The Pay It Forward System...
Our Pay It Forward program will enable you to become an associate without any outlay on your part.
See the compensation plan for details.
We want EVERYONE to have the opportunity to be a part of PPR!
Phoenix Power Rising is determined to finally change lives for the better. We are participating in Humanitarian Projects both on the corporate level and on an individual Associate level.
Go ahead and take some time to look at all of the information provided here. Get excited with us and you will see we are very serious about helping a lot of people on both a Financial and Humanitarian level. Then make the decision to be a part of our program and you will find very quickly that you will not only be satisfied financially, but because of the generous compensation plan, you will also be able to help others on an individual basis, the best reward of all.
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