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May 20, 2016
The Online Ad Network traffic volume and quality keeps rising, Volume explodes by Over 20X previous rates!
This past December, we reported that traffic from TOAN had exploded in November, from an average of about about 4,000 impressions per day last year, to nicely over 100,000 per day. The question remained, was it a temporary improvement and what was the quality was like?
I'm pleased to report that daily traffic remains on average over 100,000 per day (millions each month) and while I was averaging 700+ click throughs this past couple of calendar months, over the past 30 days this has risen to over 2,100 visits. That's a tremendous amount of highly targeted organic traffic. As a result, signups at my two Traffic Exchanges and other affiliate programs I'm advertising remain strong. That's an awesome product for only $19.95 per month.
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