How to Use Our Team Site to Earn BIG

Published on 04-13-2016 12:04:47 PM by Gary Chappelle

The other day I sent you an email about our Team Site. But with the holidays perhaps you didn't get a chance to see it. I built the Team Site to help my team members build their Traffic Authority Business. You can join Traffic Authority from our Team Site. Why should you join us in Traffic Authority? The first question people usually ask is what is the price to join the Team Site. Well, that's the best part...'s completely free for my team members! I know. That's pretty crazy, right? I've had others tell me I should charge a monthly fee, and still others have asked me to turn it into an affiliate program of its own. It's tempting because I put a lot of time and money into the site. But I just don't want to do that for my members who are just starting out building their business. Join us and you can use the site to promote to your own prospects using your own affiliate id. Think of the power of this! Not only do you receive all of the bonuses, but you can give away these same bonuses to your prospects. That's creates incentive, and also creates duplication on your team. Click the link to get more info and watch my video on how the Team Site works to build your Traffic Authority business. Talk soon, Gary Chappelle

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