Unlock your millionaire mind

Published on 02-13-2017 12:02:05 PM by Gina Fretter

There’s a big difference between the mindset of an employee who makes, say, $50,000 a year, and an entrepreneur who makes that same amount every month.

There’s a difference between someone who’s happy to clock in and do their 9-to-5, and someone who makes six-figures a year working just 4 hours a day.

And there’s a gigantic difference between someone who takes control of their life and someone who leaves it up to their boss to decide.

I believe a lot of that comes down to mindset.

Suppose that’s true, that your mindset has been holding you back from success… how then do you go about replacing an employee mindset with a new entrepreneur brain?

I want to make two suggestions today.

The first one is this:

If you truly want to become a successful entrepreneur, you must recognize that the “buck stops with you”.

You are responsible for your failure and success. For your good months and your bad. For your record breaking commission checks and for the times you’re broke.

It’s not your boss, your family or your friends that is responsible for your success. Everything is up to YOU.

Without a boss, there is no one to force you to work. To get up early in the morning, or to put in night-time hours.

There are no consequences if you don’t achieve your goal. I mean, you won’t fire yourself, right?

Sounds scary, but there’s also a magnificent upside to this new way of thinking.

Your business will flourish in line with your efforts. When you work hard – and smart – you’ll make way more money than any full-time job, and you’ll have the freedom to go along with.

So, take responsibility for your efforts and time and you’ll be rewarded for every minute you put in.

So, that’s my first piece of advice. The second is this:

Surround yourself with entrepreneur materials and stop reading the same thing that employees read.

Instead, read what entrepreneurs and successful people read. Read business books. Books on self-growth.

Read about how to make a full-time living with a wi-fi connection and an old windows laptop…

Skip Facebook posts, trashy magazines, romance novels, and other things that will keep you poor.

Of course, there’s a place for entertainment, but the more time you can put into reading the right things, the quicker your mind will morph into that of an entrepreneur.

And as hard as it might be to believe, you’ll stop enjoying spending time on things that don’t bring you closer to your goals.

P.S. Need a place to start?

Pick up a copy of this book. It’s just $3 and is a great primer on creating an entrepreneurial mindset and making a six-figure income online.

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