Sell Avon Online and in Person... $15.00 one time set up fee

Published on 07-06-2016 12:07:06 PM by Bridget Breedlove

AVON From Bridget Breedlove Visitor, Order Online Delivered to Your Door OR Sell Avon online and in person... How much does it Cost to Sell Avon? It only costs $15 one time set up fee to start your own Avon business. The cost of shipping the kit to your home. You will receive everything you need to get started with Avon, including: o 10 brochures for your current campaign o 10 brochures for your next campaign o One box of product Samples o 1 order book o Training Materials You can sign up online by going to and entering reference code (if ask): bejay Join now and start earning right away! Get your own Free Website already set up for you. Free Auto Responder. Free Billing. Emails sent out... Everything you need to start your own Avon business... Register and you will be send your start up kit... Very low start up price... Check it out... Go ahead just take a look Your potential for outstanding rewards and making money is unlimited, so go ahead and dream big! Avon provides the tools, expertise and support your need, so success can happen fast!

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