New! MoneyLine, Hurry get in Line this is huge for any Business

Published on 07-10-2016 11:07:18 AM by Louis Harvey

Hello Visitor MoneyLine uses a "Compound Leverage" Compensation Plan to Compensate Individuals helping to grow the MoneyLine Business Model. This is an overview of how the Plan works: 1) Only Independent Representatives (I.R.s) can participate in the Wholesale "Compound Leverge" Compensation Plan. One of the requirements to become an Independent Representative (I.R.) is that you must make 3 Retail sales, one of which may be your own. These Retail sales will be Qualifiers whose commissions are paid out to a Qualified Upline. To meet the legal requirement of some jurisdictions, for someone who does not want to purchase their own Bronze Subscription package, we provide the opportunity for you to choose to participate in our Pass-up program. To opt into the Pass-up program, you must go to your MoneyLine Back Office Platform and select menu option Account Info -- Update Acct Info. Complete your profile information and then select: "Allow Pass-up". You will be reclassified in the system from a Prospect (someone who may at some point purchase a Bronze Subscription package) to a Retailer (someone who intends to refer 3 Retail sales but NOT make a purchase themselves). For Retailers, the Pass-up program will take their first referral Retail sale and "pass it" up to a Qualified Upline. The Retailer is given credit for this being one of their 3 required Retail sales. But the effect (cost) of getting credit for this sale is that the Pass-up process will make a structural genealogy change that will actually change the sponsor of the prospect making the purchase to the Qualified Upline. The Retailer will never receive commissions from that prospect or any future genealogy sales volume that prospect may bring the MoneyLine.

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