Silly Question What Is In a Funnel

Published on 07-21-2016 01:07:44 PM by Mark Gossage

Hi ##FIRST NAME##, You might be thinking that a Funenl is a tube or pipe that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, used for guiding liquid or powder into a small opening and can be found in your garage or kitchen. In my business it's a SALES FUNNEL A FULLY BLOWN MARKETING SYSTEM... and the "ideal" process you intend your customers to experience as they go from Prospect to Lead to Customer to Repeat Buyer. In short a Funnel is the way to make MORE money from simple products and web pages. Mastering sales funnels will add a ton of revenue to your business when done right. Simple front end pages don't have the impact they used to and the need for more is essential to success. So to combat this and to allow you to give your biz more ooomph I am giving away 'AUTHORITY FUNNEL PROFITS' the ultimate sale funnel system that you NEED in your business. It's free and with no upsells it is a real giveaway. Make sure that you download a copy....

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