We are looking for Players to test our New App!!!

Published on 07-31-2016 08:07:55 AM by Tommie McNeill

Hi Visitor, I will bet that most of us have or use 2-4 apps on our smart phones everyday. I will also be willing to assume that at least 1-2 of those apps are games, like Candy Crush or Pokemon or Clash of Clans, etc.. They are fun and challenging, but what do you get from all that time and possibly money spent? Nothing!! How much do the makers of these Free games make per year off of you playing - BILLIONS!! I have a suggestion - why not play a game that will be Fun and Challenging either by yourself or with Friends and Family, but this time you Earn great prizes for doing so.. sound better? United Games, along with the former creator of Madden Football and NCAA Football, just to name a few.. has created a new gaming app that you will download for Free and be able to play Live and Interact as the game happens! This new app is launching this Fall just in time for the NFL season. Contact me to get your Special Players Code Now!! tommiefreeguide@gmail.com Join my Page: Join my Fan Page: Join our Group: Our Team Rhino Facebook Group See You on the inside, Tommie McNeill

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