Leased Ad Space
simple, fast, effective advertising
$9.97 will get you
A Recurring Solo Ad
Commissions paid since launch
over $286,046
New Mailer just launched by Aaron Bennett (Owner) & Dan Moses (Launch Manager)
How it works:
It's a brand new Viral Mailer that just launched with a
cool look and all the features we've come to love and it's
Pro-Only which means it's full of Pre-Qualified Buyers!!
It's set up with a dime sale system.. meaning the price goes
up the longer you wait to join and get this.. you earn 100%
of that join price!
For the first 1000 sales those members only pay $.50 then it
goes up 10 cents every 100 sales after! And that's going
straigt into your PayPal account!! Whoo Hoo!!
So first 1000 at $.50 then Starts at a $1.00 for the 1001
sale and 1100-1200 would pay $1.10 then 1200-1300 $1.20
Look for features:
* Mail the list Every few days or every 12 Hours! *
* 100% Comissions *
* Emerald Game *
* Collect Zubee Coins *
* Click4Cash (earn ca$h) *
* Member of VTG (win ca$h, credits) *
* Weekly Jackpots (win ca$h, credits) *
* Average Surf Reward (win ca$h, credits) *
* PTC (Paid to Click)(win ca$h) *
* Commissions, Commissions, Commissions *
* Plus more, more.. and MORE!
Signup BONUS:
Cash Per Referral!!
Featherweight Slugger members get $.50 per referral and upgraded members (Middleweight and Heavyweight) Slugger get $1.00 per referral. This promotion will run until we reach 1100 members!
+ My follower get signup Bonus from me...Always :)
To your success, Arturs (sometime6)
Check out this offer, or
first to get click credits for your browsing!: