Blast to 38 websites totaling 634,000+ members

Published on 08-08-2016 07:08:44 PM by Stan Gran

Hi ##FIRSTNAME# ,  Stan here ... Cash opportunity ... Here is the BigAdBlast "boost up" payout structure (A) Every time you get a free signup - your payout percentage gets a boost UP.  (B) Every time you get a commission - your payout percentage gets a boost UP. ...and so does your sponsors AND any randomly chosen referral that you have!  (C) Every time anyone chooses to upgrade - it doesn't matter who sponsored them - someone is randomly chosen to get a percentage boost UP ALSO.  (D) AND YES, even FREE members earn a FAIR commission with this! "You can have anything you want in life if you will help enough other people get what they want." ~ Zig Ziglar Cheers, Stan Gran

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