THW Global Video Platform Beta Testing Is Live!

Published on 08-10-2016 08:08:48 AM by William Mills

On Monday August 8th, 2016 the beta testing phase of THW Global's launch began. Soon after the beta testing is done we'll be viewing and rating videos for CASH! How much cash are we talking? Up to $25/hr. for personal viewing for up to 10 hrs per week. In addition to personal viewing income we will also receive up to $5/hr. for direct referrals when they view video content. Plus we will receive up to $1/hr. for levels 2 - 10 when they view video content. This has the potential to produce a 6 and even 7 figure income for YOU and ME. This is a 100% FREE opportunity! No cost to you EVER! See you inside! William Mills :)

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