Adzcoin/Adzbuzz - A Decentralized Replacement For Online Advertising

Published on 08-27-2016 02:08:11 PM by Jose A Arellano

Adzcoin has the potential to become to Google, Facebook and other ad agencies what Bitcoin has become to (central) banks! The goal of Adzcoin is to become a replacement for online advertising, through the power of social media. Do you like ad blocking software? Of course you do! Who doesn't right? -> It allows you to surf the internet without annoying advertisments showing up everywhere -> It helps you stay safe from privacy invading tracking software -> It saves you a lot of bandwidth and maks pages load faster So it's logical more than 200 million people currently surf the web with an ad blocking extension installed in their browser. But there's a problem to this. Website creators and bloggers depend for the most part on advertisements to pay for their work and website maintenance. Every website costs money to put online, and the work put into the website deserves a reward. When millions of people use ad blocking software, a huge percentage of revenue is lost. In fact, over 22 billon dollars in revenue was lost in 2015. The Solution For Website Owners? Adzcoin Monetization! Big companies like Google, YouTube and recently Wired are testing paid models to make people browse websites ad-free. But who wants to pay just to visit websites right? However, if we don't find an immediate solution, the web will be filled by paywalls for ad block users. Don't believe me? Check this: -> -> The big corporation will turn the internet into what TV is today: Garbage will be free, quality content will be paid for! That's where Adzcoin comes in, as it will ensure website creators can still earn, even when their visitors have ad block enabled, all through the power of social media!

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