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Hey Elvin here,
Unless you’ve been under a rock, it’s been impossible to miss the chaos surrounding Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
What has really amazed most people is how often Trump is being mentioned… both good and bad.
Now I’m neither dismissing or endorsing either person. Everyone is free to choose their own path.
However, there are a few incredible marketing lessons that you can learn from Donald Trump that can completely change your financial future.
There has been a lot of hype around Clinton raising triple the amount of funding for her campaign vs. Trump. Most pundits declare that as a sign that Trump is doomed.
And when analyzed against his opponents Trump has run only 25% the number of ads.
Here’s what most experts are missing though…
All the publicity and hoopla that Trump has received (and continues to receive) has been completely FREEE.
In fact, if Trump would have had to pay for that airtime (like all his rivals have)... it would have cost him over $3 BILLION dollars.
That’s more advertising than was collectively bought by both parties in the last FOUR presidential elections combined.
And the experts wonder why he isn’t running ads.
Here’s the lesson for you:
If you want a different result, you have to do things differently.
You see, Trump has refused to play “politics as usual.” He’s created an entirely new way to get the same, if not better, result.
And this same mentality applies when it comes to making money online.
There are the so-called “gurus” - or politicians - of marketing telling you what to do and how to do it. Yet, on closer inspection, very few of them are doing those same things.
They give you what you want… but not what you need. As a result you remain stuck year after year, forced to by the latest new system, course or training as you attempt to break free.
And that is why Digital Altitude has been rocking so many boats in the online world.
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