**1 MINUTE is all I ask**

Published on 09-06-2016 02:09:10 AM by Samuel Butler

Dear Friend, Please indulge me for a brief 9 seconds to answer TRUE or FALSE to the following 4 statements. 1. - "Man (or Woman for that matter) is made so that whenever anything fires his/her soul, impossibilities vanish". TRUE / FALSE 2. - "Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried". TRUE / FALSE 3. - "The longer we FEEL without ACTING, the less we will be able to act, and in the long-run, the less we will be able to feel". TRUE / FALSE 4. - When you access teachings on inception secrets (the art of placing thoughts in peoples minds who (if done correctly) accept as their own) through your back office, you will have along with a $1,000's of dollars of facebook marketing training a potent skill for persuading anyone in any niche of you choosing. All for a song. Sounds to good to be true? Well there's only one answer. Review Question 3. TRUE / FALSE To your success, Samuel "Get busy building your dream or somebody else will hire you to build theirs"

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