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New 2x14 Forced...100% Match...EVERYONE Earns...Team Rotator
Published on 09-07-2016 03:09:33 AM by Harold Omondi
BRAND NEW PennyPays - people friendly...exploding!
From the Admin of PennyMatrix & GoBig7 (GB7)
Success follows success!
2x14 Team Forced Matrix - only USD9.95/month
Potential matrix payout - USD9,622.40/month!
100% Matching Bonus on ALL personal referrals!
Earn in real time as positions are filled in the Matrix.
Only 2 positions in Team top position and the rest
get spilled down to team members.
No sponsoring requirement..
Earn as a F R E E or Paid Member - this is awesome!
F R E E members can earn in the 'Share & Earn' Program
Paid members earn in the 'S&E' Program & the 'Paying Matrix'
Credit Card, Prepaid or Bank Debit Card accepted
- Payza & SolidTrustPay to be added soon.
You can cash out via Check, Paypal, Payza
or SolidTrustPay from your Back Office.
Because we are on a mission to see EVERY member
of our Team achieve 100% Matching pay,
we have created an exclusive Team Rotator
to help everyone on our team receive referrals
and 100% Matching Bonuses!
Click on the Credit link for complete details
and then...
JOIN NOW F R E E. Upgrade inside when ready.
Good fortune.
The Legacy Team Build & The Income Club
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