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Finder's Fees - The Easiest Money You'll Ever Make... ( #MillionDollarLibrary )
Published on 09-07-2016 11:09:12 PM by Darryl Dean
Believe it or don’t…
You really can Make A Fortune…
…without “selling” anything.
…without starting a business of your own.
…without leaving your present job.
…without trying to expand any business you currently operate.
…in your spare time.
…from your own home or office!
Do you know anyone who “sells” anything? – I do mean “anything” … from soup to nuts; from heavy industrial equipment to novelties; from closeouts to fashion clothing; from oil field equipment to household appliances; from military armaments to surplus merchandise.
You can make a real fortune … by just “introducing” buyers to them.
To my knowledge, I am the only Professional Finder who has ever written on the subject. And, since it was first published in 1978, my Finder’s Fee Course has become the recognized and acclaimed ‘bible’ of the Finder’s Fee industry. – You’ll find it in the library of Professional Finders … earning millions upon millions of dollars in Finder’s Fees each year … all around the world.
As a matter of fact, since it was written I have sold nearly 25,000 copies of my Finder’s Fee Course – and – over 90% of the reports, articles, books and courses about Finder’s Fees on the market today were written by people who read my course before they wrote theirs.
Why should a company spend thousands of dollars, and tie up essential employees to do nothing but research the existence of these suppliers, buyers, and providers – when they can easily let a Finder go to the trouble of locating the contacts they need. And, those fees are considerably less than what they would have spent if they had done the research themselves.
Finders EARN their fees by weeding-through the unqualified leads and flakes; by following all of the dead-end paths; and eventually putting their hands on a real, honest-to-goodness source, buyer, or whatever. – THAT is what a Finder gets paid for doing.
A company, or individual, who pays a Finder’s Fee, pays it so they won’t have to chase down all of those unqualified leads, blind alleys, and dead-ends.
Look … I’ve spent over 30 years of my life as a finder — gathering facts and doing the things that you need to do to be a professional finder. Starting with a paltry $42 unemployment check, I became a multi-millionaire.
During those 30-plus years, I made every mistake ever made by amateur finders — until I learned how to do it right.
Now …. you can learn from my mistakes — and — do it right your very first time.
Click the link below to order your personal copy now.
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