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What Does It Take To Be A Top Income Earner Online?
Published on 09-12-2016 09:09:57 AM by Don Hayes
Come Monday morning the heart attack rate increases by 35%
The average household in the U.S. is S50, 000 a year, this is the middle class.
To reach the top 25% income earners you need to earn at least $90, 000 a year.
To reach the top 10% would be a house hold income of $140, 000
To reach the top 5% is $190, 000 and to reach the top 1% you’ll need a
Combine income of $384, 000 a year.
My question to you what would you think would be your best chance to move
Up to the top? The top 25%, the top 10%, or 5% and up?
Many of the experts agree you’ve to be your own boss. We pretty much figure that
Part out. 70% of people want to be their own boss according to recent polls, this could
Be higher as I write this. Why so high? They just don’t know how to get it done.
You’ve to be willing to do today, what others won’t, so you can do tomorrow what others
Can’t. Here’s an opportunity to reach the top percent of income earners today.
Nothing happens until something moves, so you got to go move, you got to do something,
Or nothing is going change in your life. ~ Kim Kiyosaki – Entrepreneur & Author, Rich Woman
You can start right now to have those numbers work in your favor to reach the top income
Produces. If you plan to continue to work online to achieve the top earners status, then you’ll
Will be in a much better position to get there with these best marketing tools.
See you at the top.
Don Hayes
Over 15yrs online experience
Online Marketing & Advertising Specialist
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