Leased Ad Space
simple, fast, effective advertising
$9.97 will get you
A Recurring Solo Ad
Commissions paid since launch
over $286,046
RevShare from a legendary marketer: Drew Burton from Canada
Published on 09-12-2016 03:09:11 PM by W F
My24HourIncome is a Revenue Share from a legendary marketer: Drew Burton from Canada.
Official launch took place on August 20, 2016
Admin's Facebook username: drew.burton.963
Facebook group id: /My24HourIncome
AdPack Plans:
$5 - 110% maturity - Max purchase 100 - Gives 75 Business Directory ads
$15 - 115% maturity - Max purchase 100 - Gives 200 Business Directory ads
$35 - 120% maturity - Unlimited purchases - Gives 500 Business Directory ads
$75 - 130% maturity - Unlimited purchases - Gives 1200 Business Directory ads
No repurchase rule
No membership
Compounding outside the system
Daily earnings cap 1.8% up to 3.8%
8 ads needed to view daily to earn revenue
0% fee for funding and withdrawing
A unique earning feature is the referral commission pool where every member with minimum 1 adpack can get a referral commission even if he has no refs, the way this works is by sharing the commissions from members without a sponsor.
There will also be an affiliate marketplace where members can promote products and earn up to 75% commission, the rest of 25% goes to the adpack pool.
Members will have access to free training through another Facebook group dedicated to internet marketing.
3 levels referral commission 8% - 2% - 2%
Payment Processors: Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, Bitcoin, 2Pay4You
Minimum payout $10
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