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Adults don't park on the street but on pavements in the Meditteranean. WTF?
Published on 09-14-2016 05:09:30 AM by Maria Achilleos
Visitor ,
When I lived in the UK everything was symmetrical. When I returned to the island Cyprus I noticed something amazing: There were CARS PARKED ON PAVEMENTS, LOADS OF THEM. There were cars on the street obviously but ALOT on pavements. Finally, after 2 weeks of traveling and getting used to being back, I asked on Twitter if anyone knew why. Somebody replied that when she lived in Italy, she once asked a driver what she does when she wants to park her car somewhere. She said, “But why not park on the pavement, everyone does it?”
My jaw dropped. I started Googling around for different parking strategies and I was surprised to find that the way we learn things about driving laws in England – the methods we think are “no-brainers” – are totally different in other countries.
For example,
“In Switzerland, the Swiss believe that for instance, it is unlawful to slam a car door after 10 PM. And if you switch from one time limited parking spot to another without entering traffic in between, you could get fined. And if you forget to activate your parking break, you might get fined, too.”
Read those things. Notice how you feel. Would you let your son or daughter drive in this country? Would you slammed the car door after 10pm (like many Swiss have won't)? Why or why not? Notice how resistant we are to see a different way of doing things.
Yet they work in other cultures.
We all have beliefs of how the world works. Sometimes these beliefs are so deep we don’t even notice we have them. But they still influence our thoughts and behavior – even when they’re wrong.
For example, “adults shouldn't be permitted to park on a pedestrian walk, yet be able to slam the door after 10pm without being fined” might be one. Here are some others:
“I should hook up with a lot of people before I settle down”
“I’m going to college because it will get me a good job”
“I should buy a house because it’s a good investment”
But one of my favorites…
“I should follow my passion.”
I need to find my passion! What is it? I don’t know! I have so many interests!! AAHHHHHHH!!
Um…how many of us have a drunk uncle who’s been talking about his passion for 40 years…but hasn’t done anything about it? Who says, “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life!” Then shovels coal 10 hours/day.
Yes, you should absolutely pursue work you love. Life’s too short to settle for the drudgery of waking up, slamming the alarm clock, and slumbering into a job you hate.
But blindly following your passion? That’s how you wind up with a $100,000 degree with no clear direction and no hope of ever paying your debt off.
What if, instead of following your passions and hoping for the best, you instead:
Made a list of your passions, skills, and interests
Had a system to test each one to find out which were profitable
Could follow a proven path to take your idea and land paying clients?
What if you could do this on the side, quietly earning an extra $1,000/month? What if you could "scale it up" to $2,000/month, or $5,000/month, or even eventually quit your job and go full-time on what you love?
We hear “just follow your passions!” so much that we think it’s supposed to magically fall out of the sky. You find your passion, you don’t just walk into it like a blue whale opens its mouth and eats 5 million krill.
But if you want to get paid to do what you love, it’s much easier to do if you have a roadmap.
But here’s what I want you to do first.
Take a moment, close your eyes, and think about your PERFECT DAY. When do you get up? What do you do? Where do you go? Who are you with?
My perfect day consists of:
Waking up without an alarm clock. Then having a calm, relaxing morning with a cup of tea, and watching trashy reality TV.
Writing for an hour or two. Then sending a great email thousands of readers love.
Getting a text from my mom asking me to meet her and my sister for lunch with my daughter. Looking at my calendar, seeing I’ve got free time, and saying “sure.”
Going home for a nap before heading to the pool. Then meeting up with my family or friends, either at a nice restaurant, a comedy show, or something a little different – like a coffee tasting.
That’s my perfect day. It happens frequently now. And not by accident.
Take a moment and think about YOUR perfect day. Where you do only the things you love.
I’m going to help you make your perfect day a reality. By showing you how to make money doing what you love, using skills and knowledge you already have.
Sign up: How to Make $1,000+/Month Doing What You Love. And learn the system – the path you can follow – to find out how to turn your passions into income.
Click here to SIGN UP. ----> ##YOUR_LINK##
I look forward to seeing you there.
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