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Benefits of the FB Virtual Assistant Post Perfect Module
Promote to Your Ideal Target Audience
Find your target audience by keyword. Put your message in front of them where they already hang out.
Customizable Schedule
You can schedule how many groups to post to per day, how frequently to post, and the frequency and length of breaks.
Set it and Forget It
Set it to run around the clock for you and free your time. Spend less time posting and more time doing what you love.
Facebook™ never knows it’s running in the background. It interacts with Facebook™ the same way you would if you were at a computer all day. (Now you don’t have to be.)
Built-In Randomization
Variable break lengths, break durations, and batch sizes make the Group Poster’s actions seem almost human. With the built-in text spinner, you can vary your text and your links.
Full Post Functionality
Post Youtube™ videos that play in newsfeed. Post images with links. Post websites with preview. Post plain text. If you can post it, FB Virtual Assistant can post it for you.
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