THE Best Business Model In The WORLD!

Published on 09-16-2016 12:09:57 PM by Dawn McIntyre

Visitor Something to ponder... How many times have you read about or seen an invention on TV and said to yourself, "Why didn't I think of that? Boy that is a Million Dollar idea right there!" I know I have many times. How would you like to make Lifetime Royalties on Inventions that are not even in the market place yet? Some Folks would say "Man I would pay anything to be involved in something like that!" How about a One Time Membership for Life (that can be willed to anyone) For $199..(can be paid $20 per month) No Recruiting... No monthly Fees... No autoship... No 3 and free... No sales quotas... This is a Networkers Dream Come True. #kulaBrands #ICkula #reverseroyalties #thekuladream

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