Enroll United Games Affiliates (VERY HOT)

Published on 09-19-2016 12:09:20 PM by Harris Manning

Ok so 3 hours ago I slammed a coffee and sent an email to all my BOOST leads telling them about the hottest NEW money maker on the net right now: "United Games" (Fantasy Sports App) I just refreshed and 11 of my BOOST leads have already forked out the 39.99 to join me at the starter level. This is absolutely nuts cause I was promoting 2 other programs to my BOOST leads but decided to switch to United Games on a whim. Thank goodness I did that because BOOST leads are absolutely LOVING this hot new United Games platform. Here's how I got EVERY SINGLE SALE on auto pilot: 1. I joined BOOST. ##YOUR_LINK## 2. I imported all of my BOOST biz opp leads into the provided mailer. 3. Sent out my #1 proven email perfectly targeted towards United Games. 4. I then sat back and watched those sales come in all on their own. I seriously believe all the stars have lined up for these 2 programs. United Games + BOOST leads = Money in your pocket! I'm going to continue riding this signup wave for as long as I can and can't wait to see how many more of my BOOST Leads will join me in United Games. What do you say...Want to ride this wave with me? ##YOUR_LINK## Diana Young 4everyoungdiana@gmail.com P.S. Sign-up through my link and I'll give you email swipes specifically designed for YOUR Program. I have a large batch of PROVEN to convert emails that sell 60% MORE than 100+ other email swipes I've tested personally. ~ Just tell them Diana sent you!

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