I want to offer this to you

Published on 09-23-2016 03:09:24 PM by Ron Jeffries

Visitor, I want ask you a direct question from marketer to marketer, Would you be open to looking at a position I have in Skinny Body Care? I have a position in my team that you can take over...Would you like a look at it?? It has a team and commissions made on the account already. We have a Powerteam Group on FB with top marketer Aron Parker with 5,600 members... Our team has put 8,000 new Distributors in SBC in 2.5 months.. This business has so much momentum.. Please let me know and I will give you the log in details. Email me at: ronjeffries2000@gmail.com Regards, Ron Jeffries P.S Don't sign up on the link below, as that will give you a regular position.

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