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When I was younger, I didn't appreciate just how valuable time actually was. Without getting into a big philosophical discussion, I now realise that there actually is an infinite supply of money. It just isn't something we need to worry about at all (worrying actually keeps it away!).
On the other hand, we cannot replace time. What we have is precious, and finite. The time we have here, living our lives, should be used to express ourselves in the world. However that may be. Creating successful businesses as an entrepreneur, perhaps creating art, music, writing, travelling, growing food or flowers, cooking. Basically - you are here to do the things you have a natural ability for, and more importantly, the things that make you feel good and give you a sense of purpose.
With this in mind, there are going to be elements of your work in the world that don't lift you up, make you feel good, or that you just aren't that good at. Things that suck your time and don't actually result in anything particularly valuable. Those things, that need doing, but you really don't want to have to do.
This is why I believe very strongly that wherever you have the possibility of getting help - outsourcing, DFY options, or upgrades that save you time. You should take them! Spend the money! Reclaim those hours.
I know it's difficult sometimes, and there is a temptation to think you can save money and just do it yourself, but it really is a false economy.
If you are an internet marketer - here are some ways you can save time:
Take a look on sites like Fiverr - there is pretty much anything and everything you can possibly think of. SEO work, graphic design, copywriting, voiceovers. The list is endless.
Take upgrades on mailers and traffic exchanges. Your time is too valuable to spend hours everyday clicking for credits.
Join Referral Frenzy to manage aforementioned mailers and traffic sites. You get tons of bonus credits every month, & can allocate credits to your banners & links as well as send your mailings out all at once.
Consider purchasing PLR (Done For You) content to save time on info products, articles, blog posts and lead magnets. A little bit of editing and personalisation is way more time effective than doing everything from scratch. No matter your niche, there will be a content provider to suit.
Hire a VA for certain tasks. It's not expensive and could free up so much time for you to do the things only you can do!
I hope you find something useful in this list, and that it helps you achieve great things in your business!
About Natalie Tolliday

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