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Without good quality targeted traffic in very large numbers, we are all doomed to failure!
But what qualifies as "Good Quality Targeted Traffic" and how do you get it in "Large Numbers"?
Solve that riddle, and you truly are set for life.
Let's start with the very basic question of: What is traffic?
In simple terms, traffic is "People visiting your offer".
But that doesn't mean that millions of people visiting your offer will result in massive sales.
The "Good Quality Targeted" part of the equation is vital.
Large numbers of rubbish traffic will only produce frustration and serious problems.
So good quality targeted traffic is your starting point, when you have that solved it's time to increase the volume.
This means we must have a good understanding of what "Good Quality Targeted" means in relation to Traffic.
In my next post I'll explore this question in more detail.
Until then: "Remain active, focused and persistent."
With sincerity
Pete K
About Pete Kward
Hello, I'm Pete K a semi-retired beef cattle farmer, retail business owner, and online entrepreneur. I live in the southwest corner of Australia (land of sunshine, opportunity and warm friendly people). My wife and I have 3 adult sons, one of whom lives in Ireland, so we like to visit him and his family at least once every year. I've been online for several years and have enjoyed some success on a number of occasions, still haven't made a fortune, but I believe I'm currently getting close. I'm not great at social media, but I do like to develop genuine friendships.