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Mark Siegel
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Skype - biggmark1
Facebook - 4winners
Location - Odessa, FL
Join Date - 2016-09-03
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About Me
As a proud and happy grandpa to 7 little ones, I've been setting myself up lately to earn multiple automated income streams so I have more time to spend with the grandkids and to do the things I really enjoy doing (like helping people). The internet has always fascinated me but it’s been highly frustrating at the same time. Like many baby boomers, I love technology but struggle with it. I have to learn the same thing over and over to finally "get it" but I never give up trying or learning. Crazy thing is, kids today are born already programmed (it’s in their DNA) for the internet. My 3 year old granddaughter does things with technology that get my head spinning - “How the @%$# did she do that?”
One of the HUGE lessons I've learned (unfortunately I didn't "get it" until after struggling over 45 years) is that "if you spend all your time trying to make a living, you'll have no time left to make a fortune." If you're not making it, everyone around tries to help but all they know is to advise you to "work harder" - but working hard by itself never equated to achieving wealth and/or time freedom. If it did then every construction worker would be rich.
And that's where the internet comes in - it allows you to leverage yourself (work 'smart') and work hard in the beginning while you tweak and build momentum. Then eventually the many income streams you’ve put in place (the average Millionaire has 7 income streams) that can pay you while you're sleeping or laying on the beach will allow you to work when you want, where you want, and with whom you want. That's the freedom I crave. How about you? Do you yearn to live the internet lifestyle? If so, let's connect - maybe we can help each other travel to the beaches of the world. I wish nothing but success for you. Mark Siegel
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