LAS Blogs: Mike Duarte

About Mike Duarte


I have been working online for 10 years and can honestly say that I make money every day. I believe that this is a great program that everyone should be in. The other program I love is this works like crazy!

Check out my LAS profile for more information about me! →

Getting Started - Poor Mans Business Plan

Published on 01-12-2017 09:01:36 PM by Mike Duarte

I have been thinking about how I want to start this - Maybe I should start with about  a $25 budget then grow money from there. My intention is to never another dollar beyond that.

A new journey

Published on 01-12-2017 08:01:17 PM by Mike Duarte

Hi All
I am very excited to have this new platform. This program is really a great platform. 

I have been online for several years and can honestly say that I make money everyday.  My income has not been enough to retire.  I have committed myself to make this year a

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