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For years I was trying to make money online and when I first started out I really thought this is a piece of cake find a business opportunity and send everybody to my squeeze page create a few follow up messages and bingo make sales right?
Whoops wrong BIG MISTAKE sound familiar?
Don't worry we have all been there got that tee shirt so what is the answer?
Think out of the box what does everybody need to make money online? TRAFFIC! but not just any traffic but buyers not liars!
Before you jump in and join that business opportunity that promises to make you a fortune overnight step back and think out of the box become a traffic expert.
Yes you will have to take action! Yes you will have to invest just like any business and don't expect it to be a microwave business and start making money by next Wednesday because it won't happen that is for sure.
I learn't a lesson some time ago from a great guy called Chris Record he called it "bridge marketing"
So what is bridge marketing?
Promote value for example a great traffic source that also creates a awesome business opportunity and I have discovered just that to find out more check it out here
Until next time have a great day
Alan Benney
About Alan Benney

Hello My name is Alan Benney I am a professional internet marketer of many years experience you can check out my blog