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This is my first blog post here in LAS and wanted to write a bit about bitcoin which is getting stronger and stronger every day!
More and more programs are accepting or relying on it completely. At the beginning of last year 1 BTC was around 450$ and around Christmas 1100$ for some days and now back to around 800 - 850$. Yes it is hectic a bit but growing steadily!
So I decided to join programs which can grow my bitcoin reserves! I am not trusting programs where the payments are going through the admin because sooner or later they get greedy and run with the money so for me only member to member programs are the way to go. As second criteria I am looking for something which is giving its members something they need like LAS with quality traffic or blog or anything which is worth joining not only doing it for the compensation plan!
For me it is important that my team gets something and I don't want them to feel they again wasted their money!
About Krisztian Bellak

My name is Krisztián Bellák and live in Hungary which is a small country in the middle east part of Europe. I am working as IT leader of a multinational company. Since 2008 I started my adventure as an internet marketeer. I had learned a lot during this time and made a lot of friends online from all corners of the world and this made a lot of fun. I love to connect with like minded people and if you can earn in between is just the topping. I like to help people make their first earnings online it remembers me on my first 10$ earned which is a great feeling.