LAS Blogs: Anna Jenner

About Anna Jenner


This member hasn't told us anything about themselves yet! Encourage them to do so!

Check out my LAS profile for more information about me! →

My petition

Published on 08-10-2020 10:08:43 AM by Anna Jenner

It is my petition that describes the necessity of elearning software improvement. I would be very grateful if you could sign it. The link is here

App development services

Published on 08-10-2020 10:08:44 AM by Anna Jenner

By 2020 phones have become an integral part of our lives (the samee with apps). We read, socialize, play and even doing sports via mobile applications. App trends change rather fast. And so far, as you may already mention, the most popular apps are: fitness apps, music apps and of course apps for

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