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Upholstered furniture will please you with clean and fresh upholstery for a long time if you make it a rule to regularly take care of the property from the first day. The sofa is a favorite place for the whole family and pets to relax. Often it serves not only as a seat in the living room, but is also used as a bed. It is not surprising that stains soon appear on the surface of the sofa, the color of the upholstery becomes dull due to the large amount of dust that has settled, and an unpleasant smell appears in the room.
You need to cleaning couch yourself, and you can do it yourself, for which there are a lot of means, from folk recipes to products from the store. The dry method is best for upholstered furniture, since it is not always possible to dry the sofa completely. If you do not do this, then fungus will start in the filler, and the situation will only get worse.
Dust removal: vacuum cleaner, brush, beater
The easiest and most accessible option to dry clean a sofa is to vacuum it. Don't wait for a convenient opportunity or a moment for a general cleaning: remove dust, food crumbs, pet hair, and hair every week.
Pay attention to hard-to-reach places - seams and folds of fabric. This is where small particles and lint accumulate. Special attachments will allow you to easily remove all this quickly and effectively.
If for some reason you cannot use a vacuum cleaner, then go over the sofa with a brush or a hand in a rubber glove. Wet the brush and glove a little. This will make it easier to collect dirt and avoid the formation of static electricity.
Some housewives beat their sofas with a carpet beater, but the dust rises to the top, settles again on the upholstery, other interior items and pollutes the air. To avoid such consequences:
- take a clean sheet;
- wet it and squeeze it out thoroughly;
- lay it on the surface;
- Tap the furniture with a beater.
All dust and small particles will remain on the sheet.
Features of stain removal
Stains are the number one enemy of upholstered furniture. The key rule when stains form is to remove them immediately. It is much more difficult to get rid of ingrained marks.
The origin of stains can be very diverse, but most often, sofas and armchairs are stained with drinks - tea, coffee, wine, fruit and berry juices, as well as waste products and cosmetics. Those who like to do creative work, comfortably settling down on the sofa, risk leaving marks from a felt-tip pen, paints or staining the upholstery with glue.
Unfortunately, the contents of the stains not only spoil the surface, but also penetrate the filler. Urine is especially dangerous in this regard due to its sharp unpleasant smell. The characteristic "aroma" does not evaporate and causes severe discomfort. Even if you try to treat the upholstery with some agent, it is unlikely that you will be able to completely solve the problem without professional help.
In terms of combating stains, ready-made stain removers are many times more effective than improvised means, so every home should have such a composition. You can choose from household chemicals in the form of powder and foam, which practically do not moisturize the fabric. Such products should be used strictly according to the instructions and wear gloves to protect the skin of your hands.
Folk methods of cleaning stains
At home, water is used to remove stains in one way or another, but its quantity is insignificant, so the methods below are suitable for all types of textile upholstery, including those intended for dry cleaning. Act pointwise, try to avoid abundant wetting and friction of the material.
- If greasy food gets on the sofa, remove the remains carefully, trying not to smear it on the fabric.
- Remove large amounts of dirt with a knife and blot up any liquid substance with a paper towel.
- Sprinkle the defect with salt, chalk, talc or starch. The absorbent will absorb the fat, and all you have to do is brush off the powder.
- Clean the affected area with dishwashing liquid and a sponge, then wipe with a cloth soaked in clean water and wrung out well.
As already mentioned, this type of biological fluid causes a lot of trouble after it gets on the sofa.
- Before the urine has time to be absorbed, blot the liquid with a napkin and dry the surface with a hair dryer.
- Prepare a solution of citric acid at a ratio of 1 part to 10 parts water, moisten a washcloth with it and apply to the defect.
- After an hour, wipe the treated area with a clean damp cloth, place a piece of absorbent fabric on this area so that it absorbs excess moisture.
Drinks, fruits and berries
Wine, juice, fruit and berry stains contain pigment. Such a stain is very noticeable on the upholstery of a sofa. Soda and three percent hydrogen peroxide 1 to 3 are applied to the stain, after which it will be discolored. Wipe off the remains of the solution with a slightly damp sponge. The method is suitable for light-colored materials.
Cosmetics, glue, ballpoint pen
All these substances are susceptible to solvents. As for improvised means, ethyl or ammonia alcohol and acetone traditionally act in this role. In order not to spoil the fabric, check how it reacts to these preparations.
Dry cleaning of the entire surface
Once you have vacuumed the sofa and removed all the stains, it is time for a full cleaning.
Use a special ready-made product for upholstered furniture. Apply foam or powder evenly to the upholstery and after the time specified in the instructions, remove the residue with a vacuum cleaner.
Baking soda can be used as an alternative, but it makes sense to use it for minor stains. Sprinkle the product on the surface of the furniture and vacuum or brush off after an hour.
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