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The Facebook Ads platform offers detailed settings for an advertising campaign. But no targeting based on profile data can compare in accuracy with a list of specific users. It is difficult to obtain, Facebook does not have standard tools for searching and downloading a list of group members. To extract data, “scraping” is used - parsing with special programs of ordinary web pages that FB shows to visitors.
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Why parse Facebook
The list of users and other information about the Facebook community audience may be used for the following purposes:
- Precise targeting of an advertising campaign. For example, it is better to advertise a computer game offer to members of a community of fans of this genre or a similar toy. Then the ads will be seen by a more targeted audience than with targeting by interests;
- To attract traffic using inviting, mass following, mass liking and other spam methods;
- Promotion of communities or pages on Facebook, displaying ads to members of competitors' FB groups.
Facebook allows you to upload a list of users and run a retargeting advertising campaign against that audience.
How to parse audiences and group posts
How advise to scrape Facebook, you can use the following tools:
- is an online service for collecting audiences in social networks. There are two tools for Facebook. The first is “Search for communities” by keywords and collecting their members, the second is “Page Audience” for parsing the list of users who liked the page. The cost of the service is from 200 to 3,000 rubles per month. Due to Facebook restrictions, the collected list can be 10%-80% of the number of community members;
- FB.TargetZ is a desktop program for collecting audiences on Facebook and automating the promotion of communities, spam, and other actions. It supports searching for community members, parsing posts, likes, comments, and user information. The program tariff with a parser is 7,000 or 10,000 rubles per month.
- Facebook — ID template parser for ZennoBox (simplified version of ZennoPoster). Accordingly, you will need a license for this program. You can parse groups by ID, link or search for users by keyword. There is also a mode for checking the availability of users' personal messages by ID list. Cost — from 750 rubles per week to 2250 rubles per month of use;
- Facebook — Parsing service — online service for parsing ID and profile data of members of the specified community. You need to specify a link to the group, the required number of users (minimum 1000), email, in 10-30 minutes you will receive a text file with data. Cost from 25 kopecks per user.
How to Target Specific Users on Facebook
To create an audience in Facebook Ads, you can use lists of emails or phone numbers of users. Parsing this data also violates Facebook's rules. But so far, the system cannot verify the legality of collecting emails or phone numbers and shifts responsibility to the advertiser.
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