

Shirley Brockman

Contact Info

Facebook - Shirley Brockman

Location - United States

Join Date - 2023-11-28

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About Me

As a hobby, I am a creator of digital products - a workbook and several motivational e-books for aspiring entrepreneurs. The material is designed for them to launch their passion from within and to become productive with it. My motto has always been "If you build it, they will come" from the Field of Dreams movie in 1989 that stuck with me over the years. I started creating Digital Products during COVID as many were laid off or not able to report to work. I myself as a real estate broker was shut down and business halted. Post-pandemic, I find my self still creating and motivating those who want to start a business. For those who want to start a business, but don't know where to start I coach and promote business opportunities that will allow them to become business owners. As CEO of B.M.P.I, we believe there "There is a market with you in mind" Much success to everyone who has endured reading my "About Me"

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