How To Create Your Own Cash Flow

Published by Charles Williams — 05-06-2020 05:05:03 AM

STEP BY STEP TOUR: Simple Freedom Club Review.

Get a  close up look at how the “home business” arena has been duped for years; and how to simplify everything to create your own cash flow.

Create your free account at the Simple Freedom Club here.

Starting and building an online side hustle business should not be difficult.

But for most, it is.

They over complicate the entire process.

That’s the blue pill world for you though.

They complicate everything  and turn you into a docile slave.

If you truly want to go your own way, part of the secret is that you have to focus on simplifying EVERYTHING.

I mean, every single area of your life needs to be broken down to its most simple basic foundations and rebuilt from there.

Part of that includes figuring out a consistent and sustainable way to create your own work…

…so that you never have to beg anyone else for work.

This gets you cash flow independent.

And if you overcomplicate this part, you’re screwed.

I learned that the hard way.

It’s counterintuitive too because most people, when you present them with a simplified way to make full time cash flow from their own smart phones, or online or “from home” they love the idea at first but then they immediately try to complicate every part of it.

Can’t save them all.

A few actually get the elegance and sexiness about keeping stuff simple and being able to work a system that creates full time piles of cash on a part time effort: like sharing or posting or creating simple “Red Pill” content online and on social media networks to attract the eyes of other red pillers living in the blue pill world.

Like Morpheus, Neo and Trinity did.

We do a similar thing here.

Anyway, look…

If you’re truly serious about creating cash flow independence, going your own way, living on your own terms and living that #FreeAgentLifestyle then just listen to or watch this video, create your free account at Simple Freedom Club, be patient with yourself, learn a couple new skills and take action.

This stuff works.

And it works faster and better if you force yourself to just keep it simple.

Setup a simple system (funnel).

Get traffic to it.

Plug people into this training.

Receive cash.

I train and scale your affiliate team.

They make money.

You make full time stacks of passive income too from that.

It all starts here.

Then subscribe to my training channel here.

And listen to my podcast here.

Any questions, let me know.

Plug into our “Red Pill” content and training and you’ll never be able to unsee these truths about how to really make your own money online.

More info and daily red pills here:


About Charles Williams


Hi Friend, Thanks for coming! Just like you I wanted more freedom to do the things that I enjoy and I also looked high and low for the success I wanted in a home business. I really wanted to be my own boss and control more of my time, as well as my finances. If you are also trying to build a business I can help there too. Many of my successes were learned through trial and error and I just looked at the simple things that worked and develop my skill. I now have multiple Streams of Income because I learned the skills that I needed to generate leads and make sales period.