How To Make Money While On Vacation

Published by Charles Williams — 07-30-2021 12:07:23 PM

CASH TIP: How to Make Money While You Travel on Vacation…

My Sales GO UP While I Travel on Vacation, Here’s What I Do…

I create one piece of “value content” daily. Quick and easy using my smart phone or lap top like on the video above, making one little piece of cool “conversation content” is super doable and even more interesting while I’m moving around the planet enjoying life with my family.

Then I take this video or thought, or conversation and I upload it to my YouTube channel and my Facebook. I then share it by posting about it. That’s quick and easy. In the comments of the post I invite people to click on a link to get more info so I can teach them what I know about a simple, fun way to make their own money online. That’s it.

Then I post that video to my blog when I have a chance to sit at my laptop which can be from anywhere really. A coffee shop, hotel room, lobby etc. Once that post is up on my blog I can then do two things that are very important to getting exposure (traffic) to that content:

  1. I post about it and link to it from social media.
  2. I email a broadcast email linking to it to my email list.

That’s it.

I can then engage any comments, answer emails, listen and reply to voicemails etc.

The way I’ve structured my online business, I’m not dependent on only “old fashioned” ways of building my business. I can take advantage of a variety of online, fast, personal ways to engage, connect, network and help people get their questions answered.

My “marketing funnel” does all the telling, selling, explaining and presenting for me.

That’s by design.

I was NOT interested in any “get rich quick” scheme when I first learned this stuff. I hate that stuff. But what I WAS interested in was fun, smart, automated and leveraged ways to help people flow through the marketing and sales process. I wanted to setup information delivery methods that did a better job at conveying my message and presenting my products, services and programs than I did and I wanted it to be as smart, leveraged and automated as possible.

It’s still traditional business.

It’s just smarter business for 2021 for normal people like me who want to earn a good living outside of “the matrix” of the corporate world.

I’m not an “online marketer.”
I’m a business man.

And I conduct my business all around the world and 24 hours a day because of the specific products and services I decided to promote and the systems and tools I use to market them.

Anyone can do what I do.

It’s not a “hard learn” to do this stuff.

It just takes a little vision, a little learning and some good old fashioned, healthy, faith.

If you want to learn how to create your own work, generate your own cash flow and do it all in a fun, simple way online, just click below and let’s connect. I can help.

About Charles Williams


Hi Friend, Thanks for coming! Just like you I wanted more freedom to do the things that I enjoy and I also looked high and low for the success I wanted in a home business. I really wanted to be my own boss and control more of my time, as well as my finances. If you are also trying to build a business I can help there too. Many of my successes were learned through trial and error and I just looked at the simple things that worked and develop my skill. I now have multiple Streams of Income because I learned the skills that I needed to generate leads and make sales period.