

Chris Shouse

Contact Info

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Skype - ChrisShouse

Facebook - Chris Shouse

Twitter - ChrisShouse

Location - California City California

Join Date - 2016-11-05

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About Me

I am an Entrepreneur from head to toe. I am a mother and a grandmother. I am always learning new things. Reading books and articles. Taking courses to better me and sharpen my skills.
I love Affiliate Marketing. There are many amazing programs out
there. Love to find them and share them. If you find a tool you want to
share have you tried IBO to get your ideas and out there, things to
share and a great community. Best of all it is free. Give it a try.

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Checkout My Writing!

Hey, thanks for checking out my writing! Below are my 5 most recent posts. You can see all of my writing over on my Personal LeasedAdSpace blog!

TitlePublication Date
Free To Join And Earn 12-24-2019 12:12:58 AM
Pain! 11-30-2019 11:11:57 PM
Pain! 11-30-2019 10:11:38 PM
Who Is This Product For? Number Two 10-07-2017 08:10:39 PM
Can Your Business Be Helped Number ONE 10-07-2017 01:10:14 AM