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Momentum is everything - and we topped the momentum rankings!
Published by Colin Dorn — 07-11-2020 03:07:55 AM
In the middle of a global pandemic, iBuumerang topped the momentum ranks on during April!
The global pandemic has caused many businesses to struggle with massive downturns but iBuumerang, a 14-month old company is thriving. It's no surprise really because we give away free memberships to an invite-only wholesale travel savings club.
You can find out about our business by watching this recorded webinar by Beverley Page who achieved Sapphire level after just five months. We have live opportunity Zoom calls every day of the week for you to invite prospects to as well as our weekly training calls.
Here is a recorded call that you can watch straight away.
After you have watched it, take a look at our interactive presentation. This will enable you to carefully investigate the program before deciding what to do next.
Let me know what you liked and what questions you have.
Our leadership is truly visionary. Holton Buggs, the CEO and Chairman, has been in home-based businesses for several decades and in the last ten years has helped 45 people achieve more than a million dollars in sales. His passion and vision have enabled the company to gain over 800,000 customers since starting in March 2019 with many more being added daily.
In a few short years, iBuumerang will rapidly become a household name like Uber or Amazon. Everyone will be signing up to be a free lifetime member for life and will be enjoying savings on their travel plans as well as the other industries that this company is disrupting. Did someone say "rideshare, mobile phone plans, fuel, movie tickets...."
The first of these, Vibe Ride, is a rideshare company that is operating in five cities in the USA. You can sign up drivers and earn a commission from them as well as sign up customers and earn a commission every time they take a Vibe ride. Now that is super cool! Uber drivers are joining so they can become Vibe Ride drivers as well. Then they can have multiple platforms to work with at any moment in time. It's a no-brainer. To begin with, Vibe pays more per trip and gives them a separate pool of potential fares. Oh, and did I mention that Vibe Drivers can sign up other VibeDrivers? Then they earn a commission when these drivers work as well. Brilliant!
So what about you? Will you jump in early to take advantage of this huge momentum? Or will you wait and see whathappens? Imagine if you had invested in Uber and Amazon ten years ago.
Now is your time. Don't let it pass you by.
Connect with us now and get started today for just $49.95 and start giving away Buumerangs.
Colin and Maree
About Colin Dorn

I am a Pharmacist and online marketer with an interest in weight management. Our 28-day clean eating challenge is a great way to lose weight and develop a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable. One of the problems with many weight loss programs is that they can help you lose weight while you are on the program but as soon as you stop their particular "diet" all the weight comes back on. By using a clean eating challenge we introduce you to a variety of healthy whole foods with our meal plans, recipes, and shopping lists as well as use meal replacement shakes (vegan, gluten-free) to achieve rapid weight loss. Visit for more information. I also have an interest in helping people make money online.