

Amit Maloo

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Location - C/O Matheson Bosanquet Enterprises Pvt LTD, Vandisolai, Coonoor, Tamil Nadu, India, 643101

Join Date - 2024-03-15

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Coonoor Estates is a boutique real estate company that sells land as well as finished homes in the hill station of Coonoor, in the Nilgiris. It caters to HNIs and UHNIs who are looking for a second/holiday home or retirement home in the Nilgiri mountains.

Coonoor Estates is a boutique luxury real estate brand that has been developing gated communities and design-forward homes in Coonoor for over two decades. It is the largest real estate company in Coonoor and stands apart from others in its strong focus on sustainable and context-sensitive architecture and construction.

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