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How to THINK and Grow POOR! --- Why 99% of Entrepreneurs Are Doing This?
Published by Leonard Arsenault — 01-02-2019 05:01:52 AM
A thoughtful and provocative story.
You are familiar with the book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill.
It's one of the best books on success ever written!
The late Andrew Carnegie made Napoleon Hill, a young journalist a great offer.
He promised he'll help him interview 500 industrialists, entrepreneurs, and other successful people. It was Andrew's belief that success is a matter of principles anyone can study and learn. And he wanted Hill to find them.
So Hill interviewed those 500 people, wrote Think and Grow Rich and the rest is history.
Even today, billionaires like Richard Branson and Mark Cuban consider it a must read.
Yet, there is a part of the story they don't want you to know.
Napoleon Hill went broke after a few years of writing the book!
He even put his typewriter on sale for 50 bucks!
What went wrong?
Are the principles of the book fake?
The principles are solid.
Yet Napoleon missed the most important ingredient for achieving financial success.
What's that?
You should apply the principles, not just read them.
The title "Think and Grow Rich" gives the idea that just thinking is enough for getting rich.
This was the problem with Hill back then and with online wanterpreneurs today.
They're misled by gurus, who preach that thinking is enough for success. Throw claims of quickness and easiness into the mix, and you have the typical scam.
Hey, we can't help everyone.
There are people who are OK when others lie to them.
They join opportunities that look like bad news, ignore the reviews of others and go bankrupt.
Just because they equate doing anything with taking action towards their goals.
You can't save them.
Since you're reading this, I know you are nothing like that.
You don't get an acid-reflux with the idea of taking action.
After all, you know it's necessary for success.
You're ready to start Growing RICH!
I would love to help you Take Action Right NOW!
To Your Success,
Leonard Arsenault
Call / Text +1(506)295-4777
P.S. Here's something you also didn't know.
There's was a less known fellow named Clement Stone.
He let Hill teach in one of his courses.
Clement had read Think and Grow Rich and applied it's principles.
They helped him build a massive company making millions of profits every year.
So he felt sorry learning that the man responsible for the book which changed his life, was broke.
That's the difference between action takers and action fakers - takers become make millions, fakers get charity.
If you have been action faking, you can end up like Hill.
And you will not be lucky enough to have a Clement Stone support you when that happens.
Take Action and start relying on yourself.
About Leonard Arsenault

I Love Helping People Create Freedom Lifestyles by Helping Them Develop Multiple Streams of Income! Wishing you all the best, Leonard Arsenault