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David Manseau
Contact Info
Skype - David manseau
Facebook - david.manseau.3
Twitter - xxprodigy07xx
Location - Minnesota,USA
Join Date - 2016-03-28
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About Me
My name is David Manseau. I am 27 years old and I live in MN with my girlfriend, my dog Remi, and our two cats Ariah, and Mufassa.
Ever since I have been a little boy I knew that I wanted to grow up and be someone, not just something, and I knew that it was going to take a lot of hard work and dedication, not only in school but also in just life in general.
This world can throw us some pretty nasty curveballs, and trust me I have had my share of them in life, but what determines your character in life is how you sit back in the box and drive that curveball right over the center field wall.
Nothing determines the character in a person except that person, and all my life I have been doing everything to be the best that I can be. I was raised by a very hard working and dedicated mother who had nothing growing up, and only had her family to support her goals.
There were multiple times where she thought that she wouldn't be able to make it. My biological father was never a part of our lives, so it was just my mom and I for awhile. Then one of the most loving and hardworking men I have never met in my entire life came into our lives and showed us both how it felt to be cared about.
My dad Sam is someone who I look up to and strive to be like. I honestly have him and my mom to thank for the way I have grown up and for the man that I have become. Ever since I have been 13 I have been working.
I started out with a paper route and then never quit. I seen how hard my mom and dad worked to support us, and I knew that if I wanted to have anything in life then I had to work for it. Nothing in life comes free no matter how much you want to believe it does. Now I am 27 years in old I have a fantastic job an amazing girlfriend, friends who support me, and most importantly a family who loves me.
I am not the type of person to brag about what I have and don't have in life, but what I will say is whatever you want in life is attainable and can be achieved with hard work and dedication.
I want to start internet marketing because I have seen the success of it and what it can do for a persons life, and just the feeling of getting to connect with new people on a different level and to learn their life stories and get to bond with them on a personal level at some point and time is really awesome. I know a lot of people are just in it to make the money, which don't get me wrong, I know the type of money you can make with these programs, but to me it's more about the connections and lifelong friends that you will make throughout this journey.
Richard Weberg is one of the most successful internet marketers I have ever met, and I am honored to say that I have known him most of my life and he is like a father to me. I know from watching his success's in life through internet marketing that anything is achievable if you just put your heart to it, and I know that with his support and the support of others that this is just going to be another adventure if my life that I am ready to conquer.
The last thing I want to say is, just again, Never stop striding towards a goal that you have set in place because the only time that you will ever fail is if you don't try.
Thank you for taking the time to learn a little more about me and I look forward to eventually meeting with so many of you and learning your stories as well. Bring on the fun!!
Sincerely, David Manseau
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