
Dwayne Borchardt

Contact Info

Facebook - dwayne.borchardt

Location - Lake Mills, Wisconsin, USA

Join Date - 2016-08-27

My Rank



About Me

I have been self employed for more than 35 years. Enjoy providing products and services to my customers and clients.

Helping others find what they are searching for online and/or achieving financial freedom I find is so tremendous.

Being able to connect with people online around the world is amazing!

To Massive Success!


920-675-9696 (Yes, I am a "CheeseHead"!)

"We Can Not Spell S ccess With Out U"
* What Could Be Ea$ier? Earn $25 - $100 - $250 - $500 Commi$$ion$

To Infinity!

Hello Future EPIC Ca$h Earner!

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* Sizzle Call Hotline

* Incentives To Join Higher Levels

* 100% Done For You Selling And Closing

* FB Support

* Automated Systems - 95+% DONE FOR YOU!

* Tremendous Digital Products

* Awesome Action Taking Team...

Doesn't Get Any Easier On This Planet.

http://YourGlobalFreedom.com * Sizzle Call Hotline = 718-887-9581

To Your EPIC Success!

Dwayne The Buzz Guy

920-675-9696 * Phone Or Text

http://YourGlobalFreedom.com * Sizzle Call Hotline = 718-887-9581

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