Leased Ad Space
I joined LeadsLeap because one of my team members in another business said he had a sale come in thru one little ad at LeadsLeap worth a commission of over $1,800. That was all I needed to hear! Since then I've had lots of signups for many of my offers, AND I've found it very easy to get many signups for LeadsLeap who also upgrade quickly here!
Within 2 weeks, I received 2 upgraded signups for a business I only promote thru one of my Pro ads in LeadsLeap. The Pro membership is truly an effortless advertising system that really works!
I have been marketing online for over 17 years seen all. Never seen a site that brings traffic like Niagara Falls (where I live). All what marketers need are under one roof. Kenneth has done an amazing job and moreover has been very friendly and helpful to respond to all my requests in a very timely fashion. Congratulations Kenneth and all members who have seen the value behind LeadsLeap.
I want to say something - I have already received a dozen signups in less than a week. Compare that with wasting thousands of credits on other exchanges and mailers, LeadsLeap is the winner.
Quick payment and a GREAT source of traffic, I used LeadsLeap to promote my website and found it a perfect way to bring in referrals from external sources.
I've been a member of LeadsLeap since the beginning! LeadsLeap works... it has brought me new member commissions constantly as well as affiliate commissions from my ads. So I'm Super Stoked about LeadsLeap 2.0! I could talk all day about all the tools we have available here too. People have NO IDEA how far you have come for us and I think it's only appropriate to Thank You once again Kenneth! I'm excited and honored to be a part of LeadsLeap 2.0!
About Ray Spr

Hello Friends, I live in sunny Florida with my wonderful wife. We like to travel and spend time together. I have been part of the online world for over 10 years and some people call me an expert. Thanks for the visit and Expect Success! Ray (The Florida Dude)