ENROLL in this School of Prosperity where you will learn about anything involving Money

Published by Jennifer Buford — 10-16-2019 10:10:45 PM

“Poverty of goods is easily cured; poverty of the mind is irreparable.”

— Michel de Montaigne, French philosopher

Your Journey To Prosperity Begins Here!

Nobel prize in economics given to 3 economists for their work on alleviating global poverty.

The Nobel prize in economics has been awarded to 3 economists

"for their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty."

Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer were announced as the winners on Monday morning.


Help us to end Poverty all over the world!

ENROLL: $23 ONE TIME via Cash App,

Bitcoins and Credit or Debit Card

ENROLL in this School of Prosperity where you will learn about anything involving Money

Seven Ways To Get Ahead in Business:

1. Be forward thinking

2. Be inventive, and daring

3. Do the right thing

4. Be honest and straight forward

5. Be willing to change, to learn, to grow

6. Work hard and be yourself

7. Lead by example


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About Jennifer Buford


Im the girl trying to pull her family out of poverty. Im probably the most unique person you have ever met This is under construction