Traffic Exchanges - The Basics

Published by Jack McLaughlin (JMAC) — 02-10-2017 03:02:09 PM

What is a traffic exchange? A traffic exchange is a site where you can get new visitors to visit your web site in exchange for viewing the sites of other members. There are  hundreds of traffic exchange sites on the internet and finding the ones that are good can be a difficult task. There are basically two types of traffic exchanges: manual surfing and auto surfing. Most sites are either a manual or a auto traffic exchange and some have both options.

Manual surfing - 
These types of sites requires you to click on a button every 6-30 seconds in order to view the next page and earn credits. There is usually some kind of security measure to prevent users from resizing the window too small. To prevent bots, the user is often also required to enter a "captcha code" on a regular basis while surfing. What this all means is that the surfer is much more likely to see your site on a manual traffic exchange and click through to your site.

Auto surfing - These particular kinds of sites requires no clicking but some do require the browser to be maximized. On many sites you can minimize the window, allowing you to do whatever you like while earning credits in the background. The traffic from these kinds of sites is not very good, but they can give your site a many page views.

Credits - Besides surfing, it is also possible to earn credits in other ways on many traffic exchange sites. On most sites, you can earn credits by referring other members. Sometimes you can earn credits by subscribing to a mailing list. Many sites also have regular competitions of different kinds where you can win more credits. 


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About Jack McLaughlin (JMAC)


My name is Jack McLaughlin, also known as JMAC. A native of sunny Southern California and an Electronics Engineer, Boeing Aircraft retiree. I have been in the electronics field since high school. My hobbies started out as repairing color TV's, stereos and radios. As the Internet came into vogue, I started building and repairing computers and building websites as a side business while at the same time selling real estate. Iā€™m a licensed Real Estate Broker. As an Internet Marketing Professional and business owner, I help people start their own home based business by supplying the tools and knowledge that are needed to be successful. I love Internet marketing and sharing my knowledge and skills in this vast marketplace. Many people need mentor-ship, and I readily offer my skill set to those who are interested.