Leased Ad Space
1. Link Exchanges. While you NEVER want to buy links (a.k.a. use black hat methods of link building), creating a link network with other companies in your field can help all of your sites grow. These links can take the form of blogrolls, promotional posts, or banner ad exchanges. Especially in this economy, when all budgets are tight, companies are more eager to swap space and links than ever. If your target demographic matches that of another site, swapping sponsored emails is another great way to gain exposure.
2. Pinterest. Pinterest is a rapidly growing visual pin board/social network with over 10 million unique visitors that allows you to pin images to visual boards. With Pinterest, you can quickly establish yourself as an industry expert by creating boards built around the important keywords for your company. You can also post content on your website about how your clients or partners can use Pinterest and include links to your company’s Pinterest profile.
3. Contests and Giveaways. Everyone likes getting something for free, so contest and promotions are a great way to drive traffic and email sign ups on your site. Don’t forget to post your contests on social media sites! Make a Pinterest contest board in your industry category for added punch (e.g. wedding contests).
4. Refer-a -Friend programs. Let your customers help you spread the word about your company with a refer-a-friend program. Offer a special deal or discount they can pass along to their friends and colleagues for free which would give them incentives to share the love.
5. Affiliate Marketing. Affiliate programs like LinkShare is a well-known and trusted online marketing channel for finding new customers. As an Advertiser, the question is often not should you have an Affiliate Marketing program, but which services and technology is right for your business. When you choose LinkShare you tap into deep online marketing knowledge and experience combined with unique technologies that help turn traffic into sales.
6. Business Marketing Platforms. These platforms are used to build your business. Besides being the fastest growing business network for Independent Business Owners, platforms such as YDI and IBOTOOLBOX have a collection of amazing tools that are designed to get your business the exposure it needs! These platforms do not have levels, packages, pay plans, enrollment fees, or other strings. They're truly a free platform that does not tell you to upgrade after you join. ALL members have the same features and tools. YDI and IBOtoolbox is not an MLM, traffic exchange program, or any other type of program designed to lure money from your pocket. YDI and IBOtoolbox will NEVER sell, give, lend, or barter your information to a third party. YDI and IBOtoolbox will NEVER "transform" into an MLM or bait and switch you in any way.
7. Videos. Videos are a great way to give your website, and your company, a strong online presence. You’ll quickly discover that you don’t need millions of views to get results. It’s all about the quality of your visitors, not the quantity. Your YouTube videos will build rapport with your viewers, so that by the time they end up on your website, they are primed, pumped and ready to take action with you. In short, your conversion rates go up.
With these strategies, you company can accomplish a lot without breaking the bank. What other free marketing tactics is your company using? Let me know!
To Your Success,
Jack McLaughlin (JMAC)
About Jack McLaughlin (JMAC)

My name is Jack McLaughlin, also known as JMAC. A native of sunny Southern California and an Electronics Engineer, Boeing Aircraft retiree. I have been in the electronics field since high school. My hobbies started out as repairing color TV's, stereos and radios. As the Internet came into vogue, I started building and repairing computers and building websites as a side business while at the same time selling real estate. I’m a licensed Real Estate Broker. As an Internet Marketing Professional and business owner, I help people start their own home based business by supplying the tools and knowledge that are needed to be successful. I love Internet marketing and sharing my knowledge and skills in this vast marketplace. Many people need mentor-ship, and I readily offer my skill set to those who are interested.