Use These Tips To Protect Your Computer Data

Published by Jack McLaughlin (JMAC) — 08-11-2017 05:08:53 PM

1. Back up, back up, back up! Always keep a current copy of your data on another type of storage media. Test and verify your backups regularly. Keep at least one verified copy offsite and secured.

2. Invest in a comprehensive backup strategy. Consult your service provider about the right backup solution for you.

3. Backup and verify your data before performing any system upgrade.

4. Invest in a UPS (Uninterpretable Power Supply) for all your computer equipment to protect against power spikes, blackouts and other power issues.

5. Turn off external storage devices only after shutting down the computer to avoid possible directory corruption from occurring.

6. Purchase an anti-virus solution. Try AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition - 

http:/ Subscribe to the automatic update feature to limit the opportunity of being infected by a new virus.

7. Do not move a drive while it is operating. Physical damage could occur resulting in data loss.

Provide adequate space around your computer equipment to allow for circulation and cooling.

9. If the drive was previously in a very cold environment, allow it to warm up to room temperature before operating.

10. If you hear unusual noises, turn off the unit immediately. These sounds may indicate a mechanical problem that could result in data loss.

About Jack McLaughlin (JMAC)


My name is Jack McLaughlin, also known as JMAC. A native of sunny Southern California and an Electronics Engineer, Boeing Aircraft retiree. I have been in the electronics field since high school. My hobbies started out as repairing color TV's, stereos and radios. As the Internet came into vogue, I started building and repairing computers and building websites as a side business while at the same time selling real estate. Iā€™m a licensed Real Estate Broker. As an Internet Marketing Professional and business owner, I help people start their own home based business by supplying the tools and knowledge that are needed to be successful. I love Internet marketing and sharing my knowledge and skills in this vast marketplace. Many people need mentor-ship, and I readily offer my skill set to those who are interested.