Leased Ad Space
Traffic is something you really need – if you have a blog or website. And it’s no matter, if you want some readers on your blog or some customers on your shop. Traffic is the magic word.
But where do you get it? Especially targeted traffic, which means surfers to your site who are looking for something you offer.
I don’t write about blogging in this post; not even over the fact, that you have to offer solutions for troubled people. You know, they don’t want to buy your ebook about getting slim (cause it looks brilliant, and you can write like a lizard). It’s because the starve to get slim; wanna get rid of all the fat on their bodies. And your ebook is the way to achieve that. You offer the solution to their troubles.
You can offer whatever you want – without surfers nobody will get informed about you and your book. So you are looking for a way to announce your book.
The easy way: traffic exchanges
The easiest way to promote your offer certainly are traffic exchanges (TE). You can enter them for free. They work quite simple: You surf other member’s websites – and get surfers for your offers according to a certain ratio.
In every TE you can upgrade in order to get better conditions; mostly for a very small monthly amount. You can cancel that upgrade to any time you want.
Another possibility is to buy credits für your sites or your banners. So you get free from surfing (a while). With the TEs you even can get some affiliates.
It will take a while
And - is it worth while? Yes. If you do it right. But: To get someone in your team (an affiliate, who signs in) or to get a customer, it will take a long time. Patience is the most important property. And you have to do it daily and click quite a strong amount.
I do it during the whole day, but incidentally. My main profession comes always first. For example, when I write (blog posts, articles for the newspaper) I turn to my seconds Mac and click an bit. I do it in order to think about how to write something.
How can you improve the results in TEs? You should choose the best. In another post I will you, why I use the TE I use.
But you'll at once get my three favorite TEs
EasyHits4u - simply the best
TrafficG – another Giant
Pangea #2 - sit back and relax
About Klaus Krueger

Hi, I love to write – as a journalist and as an author. On my blogs and in my books.